Research Interests:
- Concrete materials with an emphasis on concrete durability and sustainability.
- Three-dimensional chemical mapping of cements and mineral admixtures and the changes of these materials in chemistry and microstructure in different exposure environments.
- Development of inexpensive sensors
- Construction engineering with an emphasis on providing equivalent or superior structural systems through innovative methods and materials that increase speed, constructability, and economy.
- Structural engineering, specifically where structural design decisions impact concrete materials and vice versa.
Ongoing research projects.
Research where I am the PI:
“Evaluating the Expected Life and Recoating of Silane Water Repellant Treatments on Bridge Decks” Sponsor: Oklahoma DOT. This project inspects the performance of silane water repellent treatments on bridge decks and how it can extend the life of the structures. This work also focuses on the impacts of cracks on the long term life of structures and how these cracks can be repaired.
“Performance Based Classification Methods for Reclaimed Fly Ash” Sponsor: USDOT. This project is completed with Georgia Tech, Ohio State, and Diversified Engineering. The research team is developing new methods to practically evaluate reclaimed fly ash and establish the usefulness of the material within concrete.
“Development of Concrete Mixture to Mitigate Bridge Deck Cracking, Validate Using 3D Bridge Deck Surface Evaluations” Sponsor: Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Mixtures are being developed that reduce the cracking in concrete bridge decks. This work will also evaluate their usage in the field with 3D crack mapping technology.
“Implementation of novel test methods to support performance based specifications” Sponsor: Concrete Pavement Technology Center. Assistance is given to the CP Tech Center to develop a new performance based specification.
"Improving Specifications to Resist Frost Damage in Modern Concrete Mixtures" Sponsor 16 State Pooled Fund and the RMC Association, Led by Oklahoma DOT. A novel test methods will be investigated to determine the air-void distribution in fresh concrete with both laboratory and field concrete. Fundamental research will also be completed to better understand the movement of water during freezing. We are collaborating with Jason Weiss of Oregon State on this project.
"Use of a Novel Controlled Release Surface Curing Agent for Bridge Decks Phase II" Sponsor Oklahoma DOT. Curing specifications for Oklahoma bridge decks will be investigated. Work will also be done to prove the feasibility of several novel curing methods.
Research where I am a CO-PI
“3D Laser Imaging for ODOT Interstate Network at True 1mm Resolution” PI: Kelvin Wang, Oklahoma State University, Sponsor: ODOT. In this project the research team will create a database map of the ODOT highway system at 1mm resolution.
“Evaluating the Expected Life and Recoating of Silane Water Repellant Treatments on Bridge Decks” Sponsor: Oklahoma DOT. This project inspects the performance of silane water repellent treatments on bridge decks and how it can extend the life of the structures. This work also focuses on the impacts of cracks on the long term life of structures and how these cracks can be repaired.
“Performance Based Classification Methods for Reclaimed Fly Ash” Sponsor: USDOT. This project is completed with Georgia Tech, Ohio State, and Diversified Engineering. The research team is developing new methods to practically evaluate reclaimed fly ash and establish the usefulness of the material within concrete.
“Development of Concrete Mixture to Mitigate Bridge Deck Cracking, Validate Using 3D Bridge Deck Surface Evaluations” Sponsor: Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Mixtures are being developed that reduce the cracking in concrete bridge decks. This work will also evaluate their usage in the field with 3D crack mapping technology.
“Implementation of novel test methods to support performance based specifications” Sponsor: Concrete Pavement Technology Center. Assistance is given to the CP Tech Center to develop a new performance based specification.
"Improving Specifications to Resist Frost Damage in Modern Concrete Mixtures" Sponsor 16 State Pooled Fund and the RMC Association, Led by Oklahoma DOT. A novel test methods will be investigated to determine the air-void distribution in fresh concrete with both laboratory and field concrete. Fundamental research will also be completed to better understand the movement of water during freezing. We are collaborating with Jason Weiss of Oregon State on this project.
"Use of a Novel Controlled Release Surface Curing Agent for Bridge Decks Phase II" Sponsor Oklahoma DOT. Curing specifications for Oklahoma bridge decks will be investigated. Work will also be done to prove the feasibility of several novel curing methods.
Research where I am a CO-PI
“3D Laser Imaging for ODOT Interstate Network at True 1mm Resolution” PI: Kelvin Wang, Oklahoma State University, Sponsor: ODOT. In this project the research team will create a database map of the ODOT highway system at 1mm resolution.